VOICE WARM-UP FOR WISE SINGERS. Struggling hitting high notes? Losing your voice just after a song or two? Getting nervous before singing in front of an audience? You are missing the Voice Warm-Up! If you want to reach high notes, to keep your voice healthy, and get a killing performance, you need to learn how to be a wise singer and warm up your voice. Learn how in this quick video series: Plinny teaches you the easy exercises step by step. This is video 1#

HOW TO SING WITH NO EFFORT. Struggling with singing? It could be because you are forcing and pushing your voice. Singing should be always effortless. How do you get that? In this video Plinny shares how to sing effortlessly.

LOST YOUR VOICE? DO & DON'T. Have you lost your voice? Feeling sick with no voice? If you are a singer, you need to know what TO DO & DON'T to avoid any damage! Watch this video to learn Plinny's tips.
THE 3 BIG MISTAKES YOU ARE DOING SINGING. I see singers doing these 3 big mistakes all the time. Knowing them will allow you to recognize if they happen to you and avoid them.

HOW TO BECOME A BETTER SINGER IN 5 EASY STEPS. Do you want to find your real voice? Do you want to improve your singing? Struggling reaching high notes? Watch this video to learn how to become a better singer in 5 easy steps. Check the Freebie page to download your FREE EBOOK "How to Become a Better Singer in 5 Steps”.

HOW TO LEARN A SONG IN 5 EASY STEPS. Do You want to learn your fave song but you don't know where to start? Taking ages to learn a song? In this video you will Learn a Song in just 5 easy steps. My students learn the method I use to learn songs professionally and fast. They receive the "Learn a Song" Checklist so that they can work on the song step-by-step like a pro. Get in touch for more info!

HOW TO REMEMBER LYRICS. Forgetting the lyrics? Can't remember the words of the songs you sing? Learn how to Learn Lyrics easily and actually remember them, watching this video from Plinny.

HOW TO BECOME A GOOD SINGER. Are you trying to be good at singing? Wondering what makes a Good singer? Watch this video to know how to go from average singer to GOOD singer and stand out from the crowd.

HOW TO SAVE YOUR VOICE IF YOU ARE A BUSY SINGER. Getting lot of gigs? Worrying about losing your voice? Struggling with keeping your voice healthy after hours of practice? Watch this video where Plinny teaches you how to save your voice if you are a busy singer.

SINGERS MAGIC TOOLS: FAVE APPS. If you are a singer you don't want to waste time organizing social networks or marketing online: you just want to sing right? Here are some of my fave apps to help you sing more and admin less ;)

HOW TO ORGANIZE YOUR TIME & PLAN. Do You have way too many things to do? Don't get the time to practice? Feeling overwhelmed? Forgetting tasks and appointments? Here is a video on How to organize your time and plan ahead so that you don't get overwhelmed and you actually do what you need to do... like singing :)

HOW TO STAY CALM BEFORE A PERFORMANCE. Getting nervous before a performance? Music can help if it is the right one though... Watch the video to learn How to stay calm before a performance using the right music and be at your best every time!

HOW TO SPEND YOUR TIME WELL IF YOU ARE A COMMUTER. Are you catching a bus or train every day? If you are a singer on the go, and a commuter here are some ideas on how to spend your time well: some fave book suggestions.

AUTO-TUNE WHAT IS IT? WOULD YOU USE IT? It is almost in every song... it divides singers all around the world: Does it make you a better or worse singer? In this video, we will see what Auto-Tune is and how it works. Would you use it?